(541) 571-0581
29299 Madison Road Echo, OR 97826

Kaiser Aluminum

Kaiser Aluminum

3R Valve was excited to install an 8″ NSF HVAC application valve at Kaiser Aluminum in Spokane, Washington. Shortly after the first valve was installed, we were called out to setup a second, as well as a third and a fourth. The results have exceeded expectations.
We are very happy to announce that with the Assistance of 3R Valve, Kaiser was able to remove the plants reliance on source water from the river for it’s cooling, as well as reduce it’s discharge and Wast Water Processing from over 10 Million Gallons Per Day, to less than 3 Million Gallons Per Day. Utilizing the closed loop system, and the heat exchanges, Kaiser can now pull from the Aquifer, cool it’s equipment, and inject back in to the ground with minimal processing and zero contamination.
